Saturday, April 2, 2011

gym therapy

I've had my few not so consistant weeks here frequenting the gym as much as I would like. Say, 2 or 3 days a week rather than 5 or 6. Lets just say, I'm back at it. Full throttle. Intense. What a de-stresser physical fitness is! I love it and I've seriously missed going all the time. I never really knew how much of physical fitness becomes such a lifestyle, more than just something people complain that they "have to do". No one wants to do something they have to, they do it because they want to, because they enjoy it. The means through our twisted, complex ways of life make us happy. You have to create the life you want to lead or accept the status quo. The light switch has been flicked, the neuron has been fired. I'm activating my life just as I was living in the states. What took so long? Was my brain telling me I was on vacation upon arrival? Perhaps. I'm not done here. I have a life to lead over here... a while left doing so actually. I've,finally, completely accepted that I've been picked up and dropped in a foreign country. I'm on the other side of the world to what I know as my home. It's quite hard to explain why it took so long. I don't know if I have an answer. It's been about 7 weeks spent at JCU already. Time is flying by and I can't let this precious time bomb explode without feeling 100% accomplished. I need to push myself in every aspect, whether it be school, finding a job for temporary work, training for a triathlon, a marathon, what have you... I thrive off achieving my personal goals. I believe to have a great matter of determination. Anything thrown at me, I grab by the horns and try my best to succeed. I have a perplex goal I want to gain out of my experience here. It's do-able, no doubt. I know I will achieve what it is I want to do on this beautiful land. I'll be able to look over my shoulder later on down that rocky road with no regrets. I'll be able to tell stories about my adventures for days. I find it exceptionally beneficial being extremely independent. In our culture, many find it weird or uncomfortable to be alone. Why is that? Why do we always feel the need to be accompanied by another companion? I'm guilty of this mindset at times, but we don't "need" someone to with us to enjoy ourselves. At the end of the day, you only have yourself anyway. Get comfortable in your own skin and go enjoy the world independently. It's worth it. I feel like all my travels have made me a more independent woman. It's nice to be by yourself sometimes... to have that time to go out and explore, do things you want to do, go places you want to see. Not somewhere your mate does. I'm not saying I'm always by myself, nor do I venture out places by myself everyday. However, the feeling is gratifying and your experience is something in which only you know. Which, to me, is quite unique. Love yourself and be comfortable with all you do in your skin. Set goals for the present, near and future. So when you watch the sunset at the end of the day, just like I said, all you have is yourself, and you alone 

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