Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Zealand, Day 15... Err, something. Better said as, a long ass vacation.

SLEEP! Yesss! What a great day today was, besides the gloomy weather and the ten year olds bouncing basketballs upstairs and right outside our door of our room starting at 6a.m. Jerks. Take your tournament to the courts, not above my head so early in the morning. Does anyone discipline their kids anymore these days?! My god. Right, so Karen and I walked to town today around 11 for lunch at a little cafe called Fat Dog 2 Go. I had a vegetarian salad and obviously I had to get my caffeine fix in for the day. After lunch we walked around a bit, poking around in a few shops and things. I love the clothes here, totally diggin it. We decided we really didn't have much to do, so we went and saw a movie. We saw Fast and Furious... 5. They didn't have too much out in the cinema. It was alright, but how many times can "The Rock" and Vin Diesel really drive amazingly good looking cars and explode things? We get it... Well, we got it after the first or second one. It had a lot of bad acting in it, but it was entertaining on such a dreary day. The movie finished and got out around 5:30ish. Neither of us were hungry yet and didn't really want to walk all the way back to our hostel just yet. We went to another movie. Haha, I haven't been to the movies in ages and went twice in a row today. I've never done that before, but we had nothing better to do! After the second movie, we had Italian. We walked back in the dark, got a little lost trekking through wet rugby fields, but made our way back eventually. It was a nice little day in town. Put some hours in at the cinema! It's bed time. Tomorrow is our LAST DAY on the bus. Thank god. I don't even want to know how many hours I've put in on that thing. It shouldn't be that long of a trip tomorrow, a few hours maybe. Back to OZ on chhhuuuuesday... as they say. Then home in a matter of weeks to see friends, family and my beloved Ryan.

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